Sunday, February 12, 2017

Short Story

Tyler Thoen

Mr. Persinger


His eyes were opening slowly he heard the loud roar of the helicopter. he hadn’t remembered what had happened his legs were tightly bandaged up. The medics exclaimed stay still. He slightly moved his head to look down at his legs which were covered in blood, his blood. He heard the helicopter roar stop and he began being loaded onto an ambulance.

He woke up to the sound of silent but gentle voices and the sound of a beeping IV line. The uniform he had been wearing was taken off and he was in a hospital gown. There was a beautiful nurse standing by his side and she called for the doctor. The doctor was a tall slim white male. The doctor began running medical tests on John. John noticed this and insisted he was fine he tried standing up and pain filled his body. A paind so great it seemed as though it was from his head down to his toes.

John yelled and the beeping increased and he passed out. John woke up to many military generals walking in and waiting on for him to wake up. John quickly had a flashback he remembered he was hit by enemy fire. John remembered being attacked in the jungle while he was protecting doctors. This flash back quickly went away as john was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

John was asked multiple questions about what happened but John couldn’t answer. John had so many things running through his head and he couldn't make sense of any of it. 

 Doctor: John you know you’re the only survivor

John: I didn’t know that

The doctor asked if he was alright and he walked into the hallway just at that moment there was a loud BOOM! BANG! The doctor fell backwards he was hit from some sort of explosion. Now John wasn’t the only injured one. He was bleeding from his stomach. The generals grabbed the doctor pulled him into his room and locked it. One after another Gunshots were blasting off and many explosions were going off. The gunshots and explosions got much louder over time. The doctor died.  John had survived fighting in the jungle and performing his special ops military service for over 20 years with no injuries and his perfect record had now come to an end in a hospital. How could this happen?  John had so many questions and he just didn't understand how the terrorists got into the hospital.

Military general: There going from room to room and you know

John: silently “killing them”

John: barricade the door its our only change to keep the terrorists out

John wondered how this could be? Where was his back up fighters? Why haven't they come to help out? John was later told there was too much enemy fire and there was no way any help via chopper or ground forces were getting into that hospital to help out. John was an experienced military man but even with all his years of experience John was scared. John had a family at home that he desperately wanted to get home to.  A gorgeous blonde haired wife that he was married to for 15years and 3 great kids. John was not only a dedicated military man but a dedicated family man.  John wanted to get home. It was then that John joined in and helped blocked the door.

Everyone began moving any item possible toward the door. The hallway was as silent as a cemetery. When they were moving the items there was a lot of noise made. The anxiety was heavy, everyone in the room was dead silent. And then there was a loud explosion this time it was on Johns door and as the shooters walked in and one person fell after another. John was still laying in his bed as he was injured and could not move. John saw the shooters had no mercy and shot John. John was hit bad and he knew it. His stomache was oozing blood and John began having difficulty breathing but he was not ready to give up. John swung up and woke up.

John was only able to wake for a brief second and then immediately fell back on the floor. John was dead. John had lost so much blood and was unable to regain any sort of composure after the blow to his stomach. His many years of military service had ended. A life lived serving his country and it all had ended in the hospital at the hands of terrorists.

Terrorists had invaded the hospital in an attempt to take over and gain control as it was a military hospital. John had done all he could do. The Americans were all dead and the terrorists had won in taking over the hospital.